Friday, 27 September 2013


7 Mistakes of Men In Their Relationship With Women.

There certain mistakes most men often makes in their relationship with women. This mistakes certainly hinders them from being successful with women, or be in control of their relationship. Here are the seven major mistakes men often makes with women.

1. Thinking You Can Buy A Womans Love With Money:

Most men often makes the mistake of thinking a womans love is for sale. They think they can buy a womans affection towards them with money, especially men who have and flaunt it. Women knows what they want or who they want, and they go exactly for whoever or whatever they want. If a woman does not love or cherish you to begin with, your money can't do any magic. True love can never be bought with money, so spending your money and all you've got, in a bid to get her to love you, will in the end become an effort in futility. It is ill-advice to think you can buy a womans love with money. Allow her to love you for whom you are, don't ever try to impress her with money, or think you can win her love with your money.

2. Convincing A Woman To Like You:

Real men who attracts and gets the most real women do not talk until they're able to convince a woman to like or date them. They simply do most of the talking by their actions, composure, potentials, qualities and how they package  themselves in public speaks volume for them. Women are very good at observing, they observe whatever you do, how you present and package yourself in terms of dressing, talking, and acting. Real women know what they want in a man, and if you're not the quality of person they want, your long talks won't make any meaning to them. You need not talk to convince a woman to like you, you just need to be yourself, because she already knows, and have decided it in her heart if she's going to give in to you or not.

3. Being Too Desperate To Get Her:

Women are not attracted to men that are desperate of getting them. They feel you might just be having an ulterior motive of probably, abandoning them after an initial conquest. Women feel uncomfortable and insecured when you're too desperate of getting them, and if they do not have a pinch of attraction or feelings for you, they see you as a pest, that would not allow them their freedom. If you're often too desperate of getting a particular woman, she'll keep running away from you, and keep avoiding you. Whatever you're too desperate of getting in life, may never come to you or might delay coming to you. There's no reason to be extremely desperate of getting any woman, just do your best to prove to her that you're a nice person. If she's interested in you, she knows it, and she'll definitely come to you, but if she's not, you can't change it.

4. Always Seeking For Her Approval Or Permission:

Women likes decisive men, men that can make decisions and stand by it. They are intrigued by such men, even when these men do not have the wherewithal. Always seeking for a womans permission or approval before taking any decision or carrying out any urgent task, means putting yourself below the standard she expects from you. Every woman knows that there are moments a situation becomes very urgent, and you need to act as the man. Seeking for her approval and permission before making the right decisions negates your position as the man. Unable to make decisions when the need arises, doesn't make you the real man. However, this is not to say that you won't discus certain issues with her before embarking on a project or before taking any action. But learn to make certain decisions that will move your relationship forward, but only ask for her contribution and advice. This makes you retain your position as the real man.

5. Not Understanding A Woman's Body Language:

Women knows exactly what they want or expect from you, at any point in time. But they may never tell you, sometimes, they may express it through their body language. Your ability to understand their body language at that particular time, makes you the real man. Try to study her thoroughly, and understand her body language, and what she wants from you at anytime, and how she responds to you, in order to be on top of your game.

6. Allowing Her To Undertake Your Responsibilities:

Most men often makes the mistake of leaving or subletting their roles and responsibilities to a woman. These is extremely appalling, and it negates your position as the man in that relationship. Some men allows the woman to undertake all the financial responsibilities of the relationship, while they do nothing. Even though she's undertaking those financial responsibilities, probably because she loves you, or she's hoping for a better and brighter future with you, and you're relaxed, and doing nothing to make her feel assured of a promising future. It is only but for a short time, and in the long run, she'll will definitely turn back to accuse you of irresponsibility or financial incapability. And you'll be unknowingly loosing your position as the man. Always endeavour to assume your responsibilities as the man, convince and prove to her in concrete terms that you're working towards financial freedom. Don't abandon your responsibilities for her, she's only their to support you.

7. Not Saying The Right Words To Her:

Most men do not know how talk to a woman, the right words to say to her at the right time, nor how to approach her. Some say the right words at the wrong time, while others say the wrong words at the right time. But being successful with women and stand-out among other men, requires you to know the right words to say to her, when to say it, and how to say it. Do you know that, most women often fall in love with the wrong men, because the wrong men says the right words at the right time. Knowing and saying the right words to a woman at the right, puts you in control, and endears her to you.


7 Mistakes of Men In Their Relationship With Women.

There certain mistakes most men often makes in their relationship with women. This mistakes certainly hinders them from being successful with women, or be in control of their relationship. Here are the seven major mistakes men often makes with women.

1. Thinking You Can Buy A Womans Love With Money:

Most men often makes the mistake of thinking a womans love is for sale. They think they can buy a womans affection towards them with money, especially men who have and flaunt it. Women knows what they want or who they want, and they go exactly for whoever or whatever they want. If a woman does not love or cherish you to begin with, your money can't do any magic. True love can never be bought with money, so spending your money and all you've got, in a bid to get her to love you, will in the end become an effort in futility. It is ill-advice to think you can buy a womans love with money. Allow her to love you for whom you are, don't ever try to impress her with money, or think you can win her love with your money.

2. Convincing A Woman To Like You:

Real men who attracts and gets the most real women do not talk until they're able to convince a woman to like or date them. They simply do most of the talking by their actions, composure, potentials, qualities and how they package  themselves in public speaks volume for them. Women are very good at observing, they observe whatever you do, how you present and package yourself in terms of dressing, talking, and acting. Real women know what they want in a man, and if you're not the quality of person they want, your long talks won't make any meaning to them. You need not talk to convince a woman to like you, you just need to be yourself, because she already knows, and have decided it in her heart if she's going to give in to you or not.

3. Being Too Desperate To Get Her:

Women are not attracted to men that are desperate of getting them. They feel you might just be having an ulterior motive of probably, abandoning them after an initial conquest. Women feel uncomfortable and insecured when you're too desperate of getting them, and if they do not have a pinch of attraction or feelings for you, they see you as a pest, that would not allow them their freedom. If you're often too desperate of getting a particular woman, she'll keep running away from you, and keep avoiding you. Whatever you're too desperate of getting in life, may never come to you or might delay coming to you. There's no reason to be extremely desperate of getting any woman, just do your best to prove to her that you're a nice person. If she's interested in you, she knows it, and she'll definitely come to you, but if she's not, you can't change it.

4. Always Seeking For Her Approval Or Permission:

Women likes decisive men, men that can make decisions and stand by it. They are intrigued by such men, even when these men do not have the wherewithal. Always seeking for a womans permission or approval before taking any decision or carrying out any urgent task, means putting yourself below the standard she expects from you. Every woman knows that there are moments a situation becomes very urgent, and you need to act as the man. Seeking for her approval and permission before making the right decisions negates your position as the man. Unable to make decisions when the need arises, doesn't make you the real man. However, this is not to say that you won't discus certain issues with her before embarking on a project or before taking any action. But learn to make certain decisions that will move your relationship forward, but only ask for her contribution and advice. This makes you retain your position as the real man.

5. Not Understanding A Woman's Body Language:

Women knows exactly what they want or expect from you, at any point in time. But they may never tell you, sometimes, they may express it through their body language. Your ability to understand their body language at that particular time, makes you the real man. Try to study her thoroughly, and understand her body language, and what she wants from you at anytime, and how she responds to you, in order to be on top of your game.

6. Allowing Her To Undertake Your Responsibilities:

Most men often makes the mistake of leaving or subletting their roles and responsibilities to a woman. These is extremely appalling, and it negates your position as the man in that relationship. Some men allows the woman to undertake all the financial responsibilities of the relationship, while they do nothing. Even though she's undertaking those financial responsibilities, probably because she loves you, or she's hoping for a better and brighter future with you, and you're relaxed, and doing nothing to make her feel assured of a promising future. It is only but for a short time, and in the long run, she'll will definitely turn back to accuse you of irresponsibility or financial incapability. And you'll be unknowingly loosing your position as the man. Always endeavour to assume your responsibilities as the man, convince and prove to her in concrete terms that you're working towards financial freedom. Don't abandon your responsibilities for her, she's only their to support you.

7. Not Saying The Right Words To Her:

Most men do not know how talk to a woman, the right words to say to her at the right time, nor how to approach her. Some say the right words at the wrong time, while others say the wrong words at the right time. But being successful with women and stand-out among other men, requires you to know the right words to say to her, when to say it, and how to say it. Do you know that, most women often fall in love with the wrong men, because the wrong men says the right words at the right time. Knowing and saying the right words to a woman at the right, puts you in control, and endears her to you.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


7 Mistakes Women Makes In Their Relationship.

There are a whole lot of mistakes women knowingly or unknowingly often makes in their relationships. This mistakes are responsible for their unsuccessful relationships, even when they've been into it for a very long time. The mistakes are avoidable, if only you can take cognizance of them, and try as much as possible to refrain from them.

In my post today, i'm going to reveal seven mistakes women inadvertently make in their relationship that makes them unable to succeed in it.

1. Pretense:

A lot of women are always in the habit of pretending in their relationship. They pretend to be who or what they are not, some tries to hide their feelings, and never want to express how they feel to their partner. They're often in the bad habit of concealing their true or real character, and that makes their partner unable to have an idea of what they like or dislike. It is better to let a man know the real you in a relationship, and let him judge or make his decisions based on the real you. You never can tell what a man wants in a woman, and real men always judge women based on their actions and not by their words. This is why you must show a man your true character, there's absolutely no need to pretend about who you are. It is very important to let a man be with you for who you are, rather than pretending to be who you are not, in order to gain his love. There's no need for pretense, be your true self and let him decide whether to stick to you or not. Remember, you can't hide your true character forever. In order to avoid any dissapointment in your relationship, always show a man your true character.

2. Being Desperate:

Most things we are often desperate about in life often eludes us. There's absolutely no need to be desperate about getting anything in life. Infact, being desperate, is a sign of hopelessness. Everything in life has an appointed time for it to come to us, and until that time comes, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. And if its not for you, you may struggle for a very long time to get it, but all your effort will be a fruitless effort. Most women are very desperate, they want to own the man to themselves, and confine him within their own domain. No man wants to be confined or controlled, and no man will like to marry a desperate woman. You may be in that relationship for a very long time, but if its not his intention to marry you, no matter how hard you try to hold him back, he'll will definitely not. But if he's the man for you, there's no reason to be desperate, he will definitely come for you, no matter how long it takes. However, being protective of your man, does not mean being desperate. You can protect him from any intruder, but always allow him his freedom. Know that, whatever you're desperate of getting, will keep running away from you.

3. Forcing A Man To Marry:

Marriage isn't by force or compulsion. Forcing a man who's not willing to marry you to marry you, is simply selling your right and pride as a woman. There's no justifiable point to force or pressure a man into marrying you. All you've got to do as woman, is to do your best for the relationship, protect the relationship, and always pray for the success of it. If he's destined for you, nothing can change or stop it.

4. Complacency:

Most women are very complacent about what's happening in their relationship. They never show any seriousness, nor care about the activities of their man, in trying to enquire about his challenges and how to find a solution. Their interest is what they can get from the relationship. Men often appreciates and values women who always want know about  their challenges or what problem they're being confronted with. It makes him see you as a real, dutiful and responsible woman that can contribute positively to his life. But when you're lackadaisical and reluctant about his affairs or challenges, he'll definitely disregard you in most of his activities, and you might be loosing him to another woman out there, who shows so much concern about his affairs.

5. Being A Liability:

Some women wittingly or unwittingly becomes a liability in their relationship. They're often being deluded into putting all their financial needs and hopes on the man, without thinking of how to add value to their relationship. I do come across some women say, "I want to get married, so that the man will take care of all my financial needs", and this thought has been responsible for the delay in getting married of most women. This thinking is absolutely not right. Before a man can take care of you, you must learn to take care of yourself first, especially in a relationship. Never try to put all your financial needs and desires on any man, do something for yourself, be creative, and let him know you're not in the relationship because of what he can give you, also seek ways of adding value to your relationship. It attracts his respect for you, and he'll see you as a woman that can complement his efforts and help to actualize his dreams. "Don't be a liability to him, be an asset".

6. Sacrificing Your Future To Please Him:

Most women often makes a very big mistake of sacrificing everything they've got or achieved in life, just to please a man they're in a relationship with. This is not love,but foolishness. True love is never foolish, but wise. Some women goes as far as sacrificing their career, education, investments and whatever they've got, just to make him stay in the relationship. This is irresponsibility. No matter how hard you try to please a man, if he does not love you, you can't make him stay in the relationship. Don't be deceived into believing that you can make a man love you or stick to you in a relationship by sacrificing all you've got for him, or sacrificing your future on the alter of the relationship. Just do the right and necessary things and leave the rest to fate.

7. Listening To Friends Opinions About Your Relationship:

Friends advice can help build or destroy your relationship with your partner. There are some friends who may never be happy about the success of your relationship, and may be looking for every possible means to bring crisis and unhappiness into the relationship. Listening and believing the negative ideas, opinions and suggestions of some of your scandalmonger friends about your relationship is not healthy for your relationship. You know what you want in your relationship, or in your partner, and you decide whatever that goes on in your relationship. Therefore, there's no reason to swallow every hook, line and sinker of your friends opinions, ideas and suggestion for your relationship. In order to have a successful relationship, you definitely need to sift every counsel, advice and suggestions of your friends concerning your relationship.


Saturday, 21 September 2013


How To Succeed In Your Relationship With Women As A Man.

Being Successful in your relationship with women as a man isn't as awkward as you may think. If only you understand the basics and execute them well, then you'll be way ahead of most of every other men out there. To be honest here, most men are "clueless" and that's why they find it difficult to succeed in their relationship with women.

In this post, i'm going to show you 8 keys that will help you to succeed in your relationship with women.

1. Always Judge A Woman By Her Actions And Not By Her Words:

Most most men are often being hoodwinked because they always judge a woman by her words, rather than by her actions. If a woman tells you that she loves you, but she does not respond positively to your calls, text messages, verbal communication or to your touch, or if she says she likes you, but always acts differently. Don't to try to waste your time, go by her actions. If she says she loves you, but can't make out time to see you, or even call you to know about your wellbeing, forget it, she isn't for you. Women makes out time for men they sincerely love or care about. You have your eyes, and i believe you're reasonable enough to know when a womans actions does not match her words.

2. Don't Try To Impress A Woman, Rather Try To Interest Her.

When you "impress" a woman, you're only getting her for the short term. The problem with impressing a woman is that you have to always think of new tricks in order to keep getting her attention. The man who impresses a woman can be likened to a magician, because he must always think of new tricks to keep her closer. But the man who "interests" a woman is like a painter. He paints beautifully that a person stares at it in awe, and in each passing day, it remains beautiful, and everyone that sees the painting, knows that it is genuine beauty. Interest her, rather than impress her. "Impressing a woman is fake, but interesting her is genuine".

3. Never Force A Woman To Love You:

If a woman never liked you at the first instance, your money, gifts, flowers chocolates won't make her like you. In the same vein, if a woman already liked you, your money, gifts, flowers and chocolates are unnecessary to her. You can only give them to her to express your feelings to her, and make her love you more. A lot of men thinks by giving a woman all the good things they can afford, they can make her fall in love. But that's wrong, if she doesn't like you, there's nothing you can do about it, and no amount of gifts can make her love you sincerely.

4. Self-Improvement:

Attracting real women is all about self-improvement. When a man exercises, and becomes more physically energetic and fit, his physical appearance changes, and a woman notices it. When a man studies very hard and gets a very good job that he desires, everything about him changes, and a woman takes notice of it. When a man works on improving his own life and fulfilling his dreams, he changes and a woman notices him. Ambition is absolutely attractive to women, and this is why real women are intrigued by a man who speaks and thinks with ambition. This is the reason some women will desire a man, even if he's poor, but as long as they've got ambition, and it burns in them. Women associates ambition with potentials.

5. Live A Happy Life:

The only way to have a happy life, is to develop one for yourself. Then leave an opening for someone else to come in and share it with you. A woman cannot fulfill your life, or bring the happiness you desire, you must fulfill your life yourself, and always make yourself happy. Then she will come in and share in your happiness. Women don't like men that are always moody, bored and worried. They feel uncomfortable with such men, and may not want to come closer to them. Always try to be happy, and avoid displaying a boring and moody attitude all the time.

6. Be The Best Sales Man:

Always observe the salesmen. There are certain sales men you can never buy from, and there are others you can't ignore buying from. Observe the best salesman, the way he talks to you, what he does, how he acts and how he packages his goods. Watch him, observe him, study him, read him, learn from him, and desire to be like him. Take it or leave it, attracting a real woman is  your ability to sell yourself. You've got to show her why you're better than the other man.

7. Talk To Her The Right Way:

There is a whole lot of confusion among men on the best way to talk to a woman. Some people may recommend pick tips or pick up lines and rehearsals. There are literally many simple ways to approach a woman. When you're meeting a woman for the very first time, don't approach her like you're a total stranger to her. Rather, approach her like you've known her before, talk to her the way you talk to your friends, not like a stranger. Women are always wary of strangers coming to approach them. When you approach a woman like a stranger, it makes her feel uncomfortable and insecured, and she'll immediately build an hedge in her mind that will take extra effort for you to pull it down. Words like, "hello! excuse me, may i know you"? Isn't the best way. Rather, words like, "hello!, how are you?, you look good". Then look out for something she's putting on, and commend her on that. Thats actually the best way to start a conversation with a woman you're meeting for the first time.

8. Know This Rule About Women:

A woman who truly likes you, will certainly make time to be with and know how you're faring. She will never be too busy to see you. Know this now! If a woman ever tells you that she's too busy to have a little time with you, you better understand  that women makes time for men they sincerely love. Don't be gullible!

This are my 8 keys to help you succeed in your relationship with women. If you know and practice them, you'll always be ahead of other men. please post your comments to tell what you think.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


10 Attraction Secrets Women Know That Men Don't Know.

Women know much more about how to attract someone than men. They are very good at getting people to notice them, they've got lots of experience in getting men to like them, and doing virtually anything they want.

Below are ten attraction secrets women know, and use to attract men.

1. Knowing What You Want:

A lot of men are often hoodwinked into accepting whatever they can get. Women tends to get a lot of suitors coming there way or hovering around them, so they can be a little bit more picky. When you know what you want in a partner, you're not only screening potential candidates, but you're also making a very powerful statement as well. You are as well showing that you aren't desperate and that you're the one with the power of decision, because you're certainly doing the judging, and the one that must be chased after.

2. Be The Prize:

Being the one that is being chased after, invariably means you've got a certain amount of value to add to the life of others. They want you for some reasons, so its now their job to run after you to get you. In order for these to happen, you must place a certain amount of value on yourself. You must feel like you worth to be chased after by others, and also communicate these with your actions and attitudes. Women always gets a lot men trying to impress them, but its the rare man they want to impress, who will definitely wind up with them.

3. Dress To Impress: 

Women attaches so much importance on how they look. It is because of these reason that many of them gets the attention of men. They understand that what you wear gets others to notice you. Infact, it is because women are so much in-tune with fashion, they really tend to notice how a man dresses. A man who understands how to cultivate his own appearance and looks great, will definitely get a lot of attention from women. Not just because he looks nice, but because he's communicating he understands how important appearance is to them.

4. Smelling Fantastic:

Too often, men ignore the sense of smell. They do not bother about how they smell, nor putting on a cologne or after-shave. But women knows that if you're going to get someone's attention, you need to appeal to their sense of smell. Wearing a fantastic and sweet-smelling cologne around a woman can do all the magic to make her aroused in your presence.

5. Be Interesting:

Despite all the physical traits involved in attraction, having nothing but good looks can wear thin very quickly. This is why it's important to be interesting. Being interesting obviously means having something to talk about, that the other person you want to attract can relate to. Being up-to-date on current events and happenings in music, fashion, dance, books or anything very interesting thats worth discussing about, can help to continously make a woman feel interested in spending quality time with you. But in addition to knowing what to talk about, you also need to develop a listening attitude, and let the other person relate to you also. After all, nothing is more interesting than someone who's interested in you.

6. Doing What's Unexpected:

Doing what's unexpected of you can create an atmosphere of excitement and uncertainty around you. It keeps a lot of people on their feet and attentive when around you. Of course, you shouldn't be comical when doing the unexpected, such as, suddenly using abusive words or doing something ridiculous. Instead you've got to play against expectations. For instance, rather than complimenting a woman on her beautiful looks, compliment her on her intelligence, eventhough she's obviously beautiful. She probably does not get a lot of compliments on her intelligence, as most men may be too hasty in complimenting her on her beauty. These will definitely make you stand-out and different from other men. Always try to be different from other men, When you do what's unexpected of you, you keep the excitement alive.

7. Be Hot And Cold:

Emotions are certainly what must be stimulated to make attraction work. Without emotions, attraction is impossible. But too much of ones emotions is as bad as lack of emotion. Feeling good all the time, or feeling bad all the time, causes us to stray from the person we are with. When you alternate between hot and cold emotions, you create an emotional roller coaster that keeps things interesting, and your partner interested. Women do these all the time, they will act very interested and attracted to you, and make you feel very good this minute, the next minute, they'll act like you're not there, ignore you and make you feel bad. It doesn't mean they're not interested or attracted to you, it just means they want to make you feel more interested and attracted to them. These constant alternation of emotions absolutely makes the relationship fun.

8. Play Hard To Get:

No one ever appreciates that which comes very easy to them, especially if the value of it is not known. "If the value of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable". Women knows these better than men, that if they're too easy, chances are that the man will leave them after they've had an initial conquest over them. The idea of playing hard to get, makes the hunter emotionally invest themselves in the outcome of their hunt. By making a woman work for your emotions, you are getting her to commit to you, and wanting to be with.

9. Be Adventurous:

Being adventurous is different from doing what is unexpected. Adventurous is about pushing boundaries, and doing things that are new and outside your typical comfort zone. Adventurous women usually intrigue men. They make men feel alive, and those good feelings becomes associated with the woman. It works both ways, an adventurous man will easily sweep a woman off her feet. He'll make her feel alive, and she'll open up how she experiences the world around her.

10. Using Your Sexuality:

Women are aware of the fact that being sexual, and using their sexuality is a powerful tool in attracting men. But men typically have little or know idea of how to be sexual, and use it to attract women. Men often attributes sexuality to women alone, because that's how they understand sex. But men can be sexy too, and being so, will get women to become attracted just as easily as men are. The difference here is that, in order for a man to be sexy, he must act manly. He must show the best characteristics of what it is to be a man, for the woman to get turned-on. Using your sexuality as a man, means being strong, being brave or courageous, being aggressive and allowing your masculine energy to radiate from you. The more you are able to use your sexuality as a man, the more women will respond to you.

This are my lists of top ten attraction secrets women know that men do not know. Kindly post your comments to let me know what you think about them. THANKS!