7 Mistakes Women Makes In Their Relationship.
There are a whole lot of mistakes women knowingly or unknowingly often makes in their relationships. This mistakes are responsible for their unsuccessful relationships, even when they've been into it for a very long time. The mistakes are avoidable, if only you can take cognizance of them, and try as much as possible to refrain from them.
In my post today, i'm going to reveal seven mistakes women inadvertently make in their relationship that makes them unable to succeed in it.
1. Pretense:
A lot of women are always in the habit of pretending in their relationship. They pretend to be who or what they are not, some tries to hide their feelings, and never want to express how they feel to their partner. They're often in the bad habit of concealing their true or real character, and that makes their partner unable to have an idea of what they like or dislike. It is better to let a man know the real you in a relationship, and let him judge or make his decisions based on the real you. You never can tell what a man wants in a woman, and real men always judge women based on their actions and not by their words. This is why you must show a man your true character, there's absolutely no need to pretend about who you are. It is very important to let a man be with you for who you are, rather than pretending to be who you are not, in order to gain his love. There's no need for pretense, be your true self and let him decide whether to stick to you or not. Remember, you can't hide your true character forever. In order to avoid any dissapointment in your relationship, always show a man your true character.
2. Being Desperate:
Most things we are often desperate about in life often eludes us. There's absolutely no need to be desperate about getting anything in life. Infact, being desperate, is a sign of hopelessness. Everything in life has an appointed time for it to come to us, and until that time comes, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. And if its not for you, you may struggle for a very long time to get it, but all your effort will be a fruitless effort. Most women are very desperate, they want to own the man to themselves, and confine him within their own domain. No man wants to be confined or controlled, and no man will like to marry a desperate woman. You may be in that relationship for a very long time, but if its not his intention to marry you, no matter how hard you try to hold him back, he'll will definitely not. But if he's the man for you, there's no reason to be desperate, he will definitely come for you, no matter how long it takes. However, being protective of your man, does not mean being desperate. You can protect him from any intruder, but always allow him his freedom. Know that, whatever you're desperate of getting, will keep running away from you.
3. Forcing A Man To Marry:
Marriage isn't by force or compulsion. Forcing a man who's not willing to marry you to marry you, is simply selling your right and pride as a woman. There's no justifiable point to force or pressure a man into marrying you. All you've got to do as woman, is to do your best for the relationship, protect the relationship, and always pray for the success of it. If he's destined for you, nothing can change or stop it.
4. Complacency:
Most women are very complacent about what's happening in their relationship. They never show any seriousness, nor care about the activities of their man, in trying to enquire about his challenges and how to find a solution. Their interest is what they can get from the relationship. Men often appreciates and values women who always want know about their challenges or what problem they're being confronted with. It makes him see you as a real, dutiful and responsible woman that can contribute positively to his life. But when you're lackadaisical and reluctant about his affairs or challenges, he'll definitely disregard you in most of his activities, and you might be loosing him to another woman out there, who shows so much concern about his affairs.
5. Being A Liability:
Some women wittingly or unwittingly becomes a liability in their relationship. They're often being deluded into putting all their financial needs and hopes on the man, without thinking of how to add value to their relationship. I do come across some women say, "I want to get married, so that the man will take care of all my financial needs", and this thought has been responsible for the delay in getting married of most women. This thinking is absolutely not right. Before a man can take care of you, you must learn to take care of yourself first, especially in a relationship. Never try to put all your financial needs and desires on any man, do something for yourself, be creative, and let him know you're not in the relationship because of what he can give you, also seek ways of adding value to your relationship. It attracts his respect for you, and he'll see you as a woman that can complement his efforts and help to actualize his dreams. "Don't be a liability to him, be an asset".
6. Sacrificing Your Future To Please Him:
Most women often makes a very big mistake of sacrificing everything they've got or achieved in life, just to please a man they're in a relationship with. This is not love,but foolishness. True love is never foolish, but wise. Some women goes as far as sacrificing their career, education, investments and whatever they've got, just to make him stay in the relationship. This is irresponsibility. No matter how hard you try to please a man, if he does not love you, you can't make him stay in the relationship. Don't be deceived into believing that you can make a man love you or stick to you in a relationship by sacrificing all you've got for him, or sacrificing your future on the alter of the relationship. Just do the right and necessary things and leave the rest to fate.
7. Listening To Friends Opinions About Your Relationship:
Friends advice can help build or destroy your relationship with your partner. There are some friends who may never be happy about the success of your relationship, and may be looking for every possible means to bring crisis and unhappiness into the relationship. Listening and believing the negative ideas, opinions and suggestions of some of your scandalmonger friends about your relationship is not healthy for your relationship. You know what you want in your relationship, or in your partner, and you decide whatever that goes on in your relationship. Therefore, there's no reason to swallow every hook, line and sinker of your friends opinions, ideas and suggestion for your relationship. In order to have a successful relationship, you definitely need to sift every counsel, advice and suggestions of your friends concerning your relationship.
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