Friday, 27 September 2013


7 Mistakes of Men In Their Relationship With Women.

There certain mistakes most men often makes in their relationship with women. This mistakes certainly hinders them from being successful with women, or be in control of their relationship. Here are the seven major mistakes men often makes with women.

1. Thinking You Can Buy A Womans Love With Money:

Most men often makes the mistake of thinking a womans love is for sale. They think they can buy a womans affection towards them with money, especially men who have and flaunt it. Women knows what they want or who they want, and they go exactly for whoever or whatever they want. If a woman does not love or cherish you to begin with, your money can't do any magic. True love can never be bought with money, so spending your money and all you've got, in a bid to get her to love you, will in the end become an effort in futility. It is ill-advice to think you can buy a womans love with money. Allow her to love you for whom you are, don't ever try to impress her with money, or think you can win her love with your money.

2. Convincing A Woman To Like You:

Real men who attracts and gets the most real women do not talk until they're able to convince a woman to like or date them. They simply do most of the talking by their actions, composure, potentials, qualities and how they package  themselves in public speaks volume for them. Women are very good at observing, they observe whatever you do, how you present and package yourself in terms of dressing, talking, and acting. Real women know what they want in a man, and if you're not the quality of person they want, your long talks won't make any meaning to them. You need not talk to convince a woman to like you, you just need to be yourself, because she already knows, and have decided it in her heart if she's going to give in to you or not.

3. Being Too Desperate To Get Her:

Women are not attracted to men that are desperate of getting them. They feel you might just be having an ulterior motive of probably, abandoning them after an initial conquest. Women feel uncomfortable and insecured when you're too desperate of getting them, and if they do not have a pinch of attraction or feelings for you, they see you as a pest, that would not allow them their freedom. If you're often too desperate of getting a particular woman, she'll keep running away from you, and keep avoiding you. Whatever you're too desperate of getting in life, may never come to you or might delay coming to you. There's no reason to be extremely desperate of getting any woman, just do your best to prove to her that you're a nice person. If she's interested in you, she knows it, and she'll definitely come to you, but if she's not, you can't change it.

4. Always Seeking For Her Approval Or Permission:

Women likes decisive men, men that can make decisions and stand by it. They are intrigued by such men, even when these men do not have the wherewithal. Always seeking for a womans permission or approval before taking any decision or carrying out any urgent task, means putting yourself below the standard she expects from you. Every woman knows that there are moments a situation becomes very urgent, and you need to act as the man. Seeking for her approval and permission before making the right decisions negates your position as the man. Unable to make decisions when the need arises, doesn't make you the real man. However, this is not to say that you won't discus certain issues with her before embarking on a project or before taking any action. But learn to make certain decisions that will move your relationship forward, but only ask for her contribution and advice. This makes you retain your position as the real man.

5. Not Understanding A Woman's Body Language:

Women knows exactly what they want or expect from you, at any point in time. But they may never tell you, sometimes, they may express it through their body language. Your ability to understand their body language at that particular time, makes you the real man. Try to study her thoroughly, and understand her body language, and what she wants from you at anytime, and how she responds to you, in order to be on top of your game.

6. Allowing Her To Undertake Your Responsibilities:

Most men often makes the mistake of leaving or subletting their roles and responsibilities to a woman. These is extremely appalling, and it negates your position as the man in that relationship. Some men allows the woman to undertake all the financial responsibilities of the relationship, while they do nothing. Even though she's undertaking those financial responsibilities, probably because she loves you, or she's hoping for a better and brighter future with you, and you're relaxed, and doing nothing to make her feel assured of a promising future. It is only but for a short time, and in the long run, she'll will definitely turn back to accuse you of irresponsibility or financial incapability. And you'll be unknowingly loosing your position as the man. Always endeavour to assume your responsibilities as the man, convince and prove to her in concrete terms that you're working towards financial freedom. Don't abandon your responsibilities for her, she's only their to support you.

7. Not Saying The Right Words To Her:

Most men do not know how talk to a woman, the right words to say to her at the right time, nor how to approach her. Some say the right words at the wrong time, while others say the wrong words at the right time. But being successful with women and stand-out among other men, requires you to know the right words to say to her, when to say it, and how to say it. Do you know that, most women often fall in love with the wrong men, because the wrong men says the right words at the right time. Knowing and saying the right words to a woman at the right, puts you in control, and endears her to you.

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