Saturday, 21 September 2013


How To Succeed In Your Relationship With Women As A Man.

Being Successful in your relationship with women as a man isn't as awkward as you may think. If only you understand the basics and execute them well, then you'll be way ahead of most of every other men out there. To be honest here, most men are "clueless" and that's why they find it difficult to succeed in their relationship with women.

In this post, i'm going to show you 8 keys that will help you to succeed in your relationship with women.

1. Always Judge A Woman By Her Actions And Not By Her Words:

Most most men are often being hoodwinked because they always judge a woman by her words, rather than by her actions. If a woman tells you that she loves you, but she does not respond positively to your calls, text messages, verbal communication or to your touch, or if she says she likes you, but always acts differently. Don't to try to waste your time, go by her actions. If she says she loves you, but can't make out time to see you, or even call you to know about your wellbeing, forget it, she isn't for you. Women makes out time for men they sincerely love or care about. You have your eyes, and i believe you're reasonable enough to know when a womans actions does not match her words.

2. Don't Try To Impress A Woman, Rather Try To Interest Her.

When you "impress" a woman, you're only getting her for the short term. The problem with impressing a woman is that you have to always think of new tricks in order to keep getting her attention. The man who impresses a woman can be likened to a magician, because he must always think of new tricks to keep her closer. But the man who "interests" a woman is like a painter. He paints beautifully that a person stares at it in awe, and in each passing day, it remains beautiful, and everyone that sees the painting, knows that it is genuine beauty. Interest her, rather than impress her. "Impressing a woman is fake, but interesting her is genuine".

3. Never Force A Woman To Love You:

If a woman never liked you at the first instance, your money, gifts, flowers chocolates won't make her like you. In the same vein, if a woman already liked you, your money, gifts, flowers and chocolates are unnecessary to her. You can only give them to her to express your feelings to her, and make her love you more. A lot of men thinks by giving a woman all the good things they can afford, they can make her fall in love. But that's wrong, if she doesn't like you, there's nothing you can do about it, and no amount of gifts can make her love you sincerely.

4. Self-Improvement:

Attracting real women is all about self-improvement. When a man exercises, and becomes more physically energetic and fit, his physical appearance changes, and a woman notices it. When a man studies very hard and gets a very good job that he desires, everything about him changes, and a woman takes notice of it. When a man works on improving his own life and fulfilling his dreams, he changes and a woman notices him. Ambition is absolutely attractive to women, and this is why real women are intrigued by a man who speaks and thinks with ambition. This is the reason some women will desire a man, even if he's poor, but as long as they've got ambition, and it burns in them. Women associates ambition with potentials.

5. Live A Happy Life:

The only way to have a happy life, is to develop one for yourself. Then leave an opening for someone else to come in and share it with you. A woman cannot fulfill your life, or bring the happiness you desire, you must fulfill your life yourself, and always make yourself happy. Then she will come in and share in your happiness. Women don't like men that are always moody, bored and worried. They feel uncomfortable with such men, and may not want to come closer to them. Always try to be happy, and avoid displaying a boring and moody attitude all the time.

6. Be The Best Sales Man:

Always observe the salesmen. There are certain sales men you can never buy from, and there are others you can't ignore buying from. Observe the best salesman, the way he talks to you, what he does, how he acts and how he packages his goods. Watch him, observe him, study him, read him, learn from him, and desire to be like him. Take it or leave it, attracting a real woman is  your ability to sell yourself. You've got to show her why you're better than the other man.

7. Talk To Her The Right Way:

There is a whole lot of confusion among men on the best way to talk to a woman. Some people may recommend pick tips or pick up lines and rehearsals. There are literally many simple ways to approach a woman. When you're meeting a woman for the very first time, don't approach her like you're a total stranger to her. Rather, approach her like you've known her before, talk to her the way you talk to your friends, not like a stranger. Women are always wary of strangers coming to approach them. When you approach a woman like a stranger, it makes her feel uncomfortable and insecured, and she'll immediately build an hedge in her mind that will take extra effort for you to pull it down. Words like, "hello! excuse me, may i know you"? Isn't the best way. Rather, words like, "hello!, how are you?, you look good". Then look out for something she's putting on, and commend her on that. Thats actually the best way to start a conversation with a woman you're meeting for the first time.

8. Know This Rule About Women:

A woman who truly likes you, will certainly make time to be with and know how you're faring. She will never be too busy to see you. Know this now! If a woman ever tells you that she's too busy to have a little time with you, you better understand  that women makes time for men they sincerely love. Don't be gullible!

This are my 8 keys to help you succeed in your relationship with women. If you know and practice them, you'll always be ahead of other men. please post your comments to tell what you think.

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